Planning a Business Exit – White Paper
Los Angeles business owners contemplating a business sale should engage in exit planning early – and not wait until the economy improves – to achieve premium sale prices for their companies.
Many companies are in an acquisition mode right now. Strong companies with solid credit ratings have access to low-interest capital, and they are always considering acquisitions that will help them broaden their customer bases, drive more sales, and become more profitable.
Maximizing business value is based on comprehensive exit planning and engaging in thorough sell-side due diligence. To support these best practices, we’ve released a complimentary white paper:
The white paper addresses challenges and recommends action in exit planning areas like the following:
- What should be in an exit plan
- The eight methods for exiting
- Valuing the business
- Identifying investors
- Timing the exit
- Negotiating and transacting the deal
Buyer due diligence is a given, and it is equally important for sellers to commit to the same process. Discovery and preparation are more important than ever as sellers identify strengths to emphasize and address limitations that can kill a deal. And because buyers are more deliberate and discerning, packaging is critical. Success selling a business is as much about the sizzle as it is about the steak.
It is our experience that owners looking at exit planning face many tough questions: Will the staff and customers be taken care of? Is a sale to investors or management better? How long will the selling process take? Readers of the white paper will come away with fresh perspectives on these areas, as well as on other important financial, operational and personal issues in play.
Proactively preparing for a sale, maintaining overall selling process control, and realizing the maximum value of a business—Planning a Business Exit addresses all to help business owners achieve the best possible outcomes as they take on one of the most significant milestones in their careers.
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