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Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP, is considered to be the standard for financial accounting in the U.S. GAAP is used to guide accountants through the business of recording, summarizing, and preparing financial statements. One of the most hotly contested issues over the past three decades regarding the development and application...

Managing Director Resource Planning Solutions Corporation Strategic planning and performance management are of significant importance to the survival of today’s businesses. From small businesses to multinational, Fortune 500 companies, these factors are critical to their operational success. This series of articles will outline a number of...

One of the most challenging aspects of managing Accounts Receivable and Payable is ensuring that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. A well-organized approval system can expedite processes, thereby diminishing the likelihood of delays and other associated problems. Centralizing Invoice Approval When expediting the accounts payable process, the most crucial component is the centralization...